Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Asking about Abuse: Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, Kick (HARK) Questions

Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, Kick (HARK).  The four HARK questions identify women experiencing intimate partner violence in the past year and may help women disclose intimate partner violence in general practice.

HARK Questions

  • H ➔ HUMILIATION Within the last year, have you been humiliated or emotionally abused in other ways by your partner or your ex-partner?
  • A ➔ AFRAID Within the last year, have you been afraid of your partner or ex-partner?
  • R ➔ RAPE Within the last year, have you been raped or forced to have any kind of sexual activity by your partner or ex-partner?
  • K ➔ KICK Within the last year, have you been kicked, hit, slapped or otherwise physically hurt by your partner or ex-partner? One point is given for every yes answer; a score of > 1 is positive for IPV.
Women and Children
Woman Abuse: Screening, Identification and Initial Response
Sample Tools