- Age (chronological age and whether person looks this age)
- Sex, Race
- Body build (thin, obese, athletic, medium)
- Position (lying, sitting, standing, kneeling)
- Posture (rigid, slumped, slouched, comfortable, threatening)
- Eye contact (eyes closed, good contact, avoids contact, stares)
- Dress (what individual is wearing, cleanliness, condition of clothes, neatness, appropriateness of garments)
- Grooming (malodorous, unkempt, dirty, unshaven, overly meticulous, hairstyle, disheveled, makeup)
- Manner (cooperative, guarded, pleasant, suspicious, glib, angry, seductive, ingratiating, evasive, friendly, hostile)
- Attentiveness to examiner (disinterested, bored, internally preoccupied, distractible, attentive)
- Distinguishing features (scars, tattoos, bandages, bloodstains, missing teeth, tobacco-stained fingers)
- Prominent physical irregularity (missing limb, jaundice, profuse sweating, goiter, wheezing, coughing)
- Emotional facial expression (crying, calm, perplexed, stressed, tense, screaming, tremulous, furrowed brow)
- Alertness (alert, drowsy, stupor, confused)
- Retardation (slowed movements)
- Agitation (unable to sit still, wringing hands, rocking, picking at skin or clothing, pacing, excessive movement, compulsive)
- Unusual movements (tremor, lip smacking, tongue thrust, mannerisms, grimaces, tics)
- Gait (shuffling, broad-based, limping, stumbling, hesitation)
- Catatonia (stupor, excitement)
- Rate (slowed, long pauses before answering questions, hesitant, rapid, pressured)
- Rhythm (monotonous, stuttering)
- Volume (loud, soft, whispered)
- Amount (monosyllabic, hyper-talkative, mute)
- Articulation (clear, mumbled, slurred)
- Spontaneity
- Stability (stable, fixed, labile)
- Range (constricted, full)
- Appropriateness (to content of speech and circumstance)
- Intensity (flat, blunted, exaggerated)
- Affect (depressed, sad, happy, euphoric, irritable, anxious, neutral, fearful, angry, pleasant)
- Mood (reported by patient/client)
Thought Content
- Suicidal or homicidal ideations (intent, plan, access to means, time-frame)
- Depressive cognition (guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness)
- Obsessions (persistent, unwanted, recurring thought)
- Ruminations
- Phobias (strong, persistent, fear of object or situation)
- Ideas of reference
- Paranoid ideation
- Magical ideation
- Delusions (false belief kept despite no supportive evidence)
- Overvalued ideas
- Thought broadcasting, insertion or withdrawal
- Other major themes discussed by patient/client
Thought Process
- Coherence (coherent, incoherent)
- Logic (logical, illogical)
- Stream (goal-directed, circumstantial, tangential [diverges suddenly from a train of thought], looseness of associations, flight of ideas, rambling, word salad)
- Perseveration (pathological repetition of a sentence or word)
- Neologism (use of new expressions, phrases, words)
- Blocking (sudden cessation of flow of thinking and speech related to strong emotions)
- Attention (distractibility, concentration)
- Hallucinations (auditory [including command, running commentary], visual, olfactory [smelling], gustatory [taste], tactile)
- Illusions (misinterpretation of actual external stimuli)
- Depersonalization
- Déjà vu, Jamais vu
- Orientation (time, person, place)
- Memory (short-term, long-term)
- Intellect
- Abstract thought
- Capacity to read and write
- Level of consciousness
- Awareness of illness (insight)
- Ability to make a decision wisely considering pros and cons for a course of action
Addiction and Mental Health
Assessment and Care of Adults at Risk for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour
Point of Care Resources