Before children can receive appropriate treatment for uncontrolled asthma, it is essential to assess accurately the severity of their symptoms.
- Accessory muscle use –Look for the presence of indrawing; subcostal or intercostal muscle retractions.
- Dyspnea – The impression of the nurse that the child is breathless or having a difficult time breathing such as too breathless to complete a sentence or to feed.
- Increased respiratory rate when child is afebrile.
- Cerebral function – The child may display increased agitation or a decreased level of consciousness. Lung function for children 5 years and older – If possible, objective lung function measurements should be determined by spirometry (Forced Expiratory Volume in one second) or peak expiratory flow rates. A value < 50% requires medical attention.
- Decrease in oxygen saturation – If a pulse oximeter is available, the level of oxygen saturation should be determined. An acceptable level of oxygen saturation is >92%.
If the child exhibits any of the above symptoms, they should be referred for immediate medical attention
Women and Children
Promoting Asthma Control in Children
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