Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Screening Tools for Perinatal Depression

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

- Widely recommended as a first stage screening instrument for perinatal depression screening that has been validated for use with both pregnant and postpartum persons up to one year following childbirth. 

-A 10-item scale asking persons to rate emotional depressive symptoms over past seven days.


Beck Depression Inventory

- A validated self-reported screening tool with 21 items to rate symptoms and symptom severity over the previous two weeks (minimal/mild/ moderate/severe) to reflect intensity.

-Measures general symptoms of depression; not specific for perinatal depression.


Postpartum Depression Screening Scale™

- A self-rated 35-item scale of 7 different domains (sleep and appetite, anxiety/insecurity, emotional lability, loss of self-esteem, cognitive impairment, guilt/shame, and suicidal thoughts) to identify postpartum depression and severity of symptoms.

Women and Children
Assessment and Interventions Perinatal Depression
Sample Tools