Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Possible Education Topics for People and Families

  • How to prevent falls and reduce fall injuries
  • How risk factors or health conditions contribute to risk for falls or injury (e.g., medications that cause dizziness or affect bleeding risk)*
  • The behavioural risk factors that contribute to falls (e.g., hurrying)
  • The physical and psychological benefits of modifying falls risk
  • How to stay motivated (e.g., for exercise)
  • The rationale behind an intervention (e.g., how hip protectorsG can protect from fall injuries)
  • How to use equipment for preventing falls or reducing injuries, if applicable (e.g., use of assistive devices)
  • How to implement safe transfers*
  • How to access centralized repository and/or resources for advice and assistance (e.g., where to get information about home safety, exercise programs, information on nutrition, etc.)
  • How to cope and what to do in the event of a fall
  • How to get up from a fall*
  • Insights or knowledge gained from past falls*
  • The adjustments that can be made to the physical environment to help reduce the risk for falls*

Sources: Boelens et al., 2013; Korall et al., 2015; NICE, 2013.

* Provided by the expert panel.

Older Adults
Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls
Client and Family Education