Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Health Teaching for Clients Initiating Methadone

  • Remind clients to consult with their health-care provider or methadone prescriber before taking any OTC products, herbal products, or dietary supplements.
  • Caution all clients to keep all health-care providers and their methadone prescriber informed of all medications or supplements being taken.
  • Encourage clients to keep all prescribing health-care professionals aware of their methadone dosage.
  • Teach all clients about their medications and to always check dosages before ingesting them.
  • Inform your clients about potential drug interactions and symptoms to monitor.
  • Advise all MMT clients of the negative consequences of using other substances.
  • Encourage clients to keep a daily calendar
Addiction and Mental Health
Supporting Clients on Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Point of Care Resources