The following lists several evaluative components for determining the effectiveness of the plan of care with clients who use substances. Ongoing evaluation of the plan of care should include the following factors and be done in collaboration with the client
A) Client Goals
a) What are the client’s goals?
b) What has been working for the client in reaching their goals?
c) Where are the gaps in reaching their goals?
d) What are the next steps in achieving treatment goals and/or in setting new goals?
B) Ensuring Client Safety
a) Does the client have any impulses to engage in violent or self-injurious behaviour?
b) Is the client in immediate danger from others?
c) Is the client at risk for falls?
d) Does the client have the capacity to drive safely (assess risk for motor vehicle accidents)?
C) Physical Health
a) Is there improvement in the physical health of the client?
D) Psychological Health
a) Is there improvement in the psychological health of the client?
b) Are co-occurring psychiatric and medical conditions being treated?
E) Treatment
a) Is the client engaged in treatment?
b) Does the client have retention in treatment?
c) Is the client adhering to the established treatment plan?
d) Is the client satisfied with the treatment plan interventions?
e) What has the client progress been in treatment?
F) Substance Use
a) Is there a reduction in the severity and frequency of substance use episodes?
b) Are harms caused by substances being reduced with treatment?
c) Have there been any relapse episodes? Are there any prevention strategies in place to reduce future relapse episodes?
d) Is there a reduction in hospitalization rates (if treatment is being provided in an outpatient setting)?
G) Criminal Activity
a) Has the client been engaged in any recent criminal activity?
b) Is there a reduction in the client’s interface with the law or criminal justice system?
H) Quality of Life
a) Is there an improvement in the client’s social functioning and overall quality of life (e.g., interpersonal and family relationships, meaningful occupation, safe and secure housing, food security)?