- The purpose of this tool is to allow for descriptions of the severity of pressure injuries according to stages, based on the extent of tissue loss and maximum depth of tissue damage in the pressure injury.
- The staging pressure injuries should only occur after necrotic tissue has been removed, and should only describe the maximum depth of a wound at a single point in time.
- The NPUAP staging system is not intended to be used to characterize other types of wounds, or to describe the progression of a wound through the healing process.
- The NPUAP staging system should not be used to monitor wound healing, but only for initial assessments and to describe the worsening of a wound.
To access the Pressure Injury Staging System by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel click below:
Appendix E: part a- Healthy Skin
Appendix E: part b- Stage 1 and 2
Appendix E: part c- Stage 3 and 4
Appendix E: part d - Unstageable Pressure Injury and Deep Tissue Pressure Injury
Clinical Management
Assessment and Management of Pressure Injuries for the Interprofessional Team, Third Edition
Point of Care Resources