- Portable and compact
- Cheaper than DPIs
- Minimal preparation
- Use of a spacer improves medication delivery
- Portable and compact
- No propellant
- No need for a spacer
- Actuated by deep inspiration, so no need for coordination between actuation and inhalation
- Include dose counters displaying the number of doses left in the device
- Require coordination of actuation and inhalation if not used with a spacer
- Spacers are not always available or practical for those with an active lifestyle, and are not always covered by drug plans
- High oropharyngeal deposition
- Requires propellants
- Drug delivery is highly dependent on technique (if a spacer is not used)
- More costly
- Ambient humidity and heat may affect emitted dose
- Require higher inspiratory flow rates for good quality lung deposition
- Some have shorter expiry dates than others
- Some contain lactose
*At all times, persons with asthma should be encouraged to use a spacer (valved holding chamber) when using an MDI.