Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Guideline Frameworks: eHealth Adoption Maturity Model

The eHealth Adoption Maturity Model is a conceptual model developed by the expert panel to provide health care leaders, nurses and other health professionals with a visual depiction of eHealth adoption and maturity through the lens of individual and organizational transformation. Each of the Model’s seven key elements is briefly described below.

Transformation highlights the changes that occur in individuals and organizations with the introduction of eHealth solutions into health care environments. It delineates characteristics that denote maturity of individual and organizational transformation over time.

Management and Leadership identifies the changes required in the organizational leadership team to enable and support eHealth transformation. It also highlights key attributes of those in management and leadership roles required to advance the maturity of eHealth solutions post implementation.

Focus on Stakeholders accentuates the criticality of stakeholder engagement and a user-centric perspective to the success of eHealth implementations. It provides characteristics to identify maturity in stakeholder transformation.

Process and infrastructure highlights the importance of formal techniques (e.g., change and project management methodologies). It also delineates evidences of organizational maturity in its processes and infrastructures.

Education focuses on the need for all stakeholders to develop disciplineand role-specific informatics competencies. It highlights key dimensions of individual and organizational transformation in eHealth education.

Resources play a vital role in eHealth transformation. This element identifies the changes required in the fiscal and human resources to support eHealth implementation and adoption. It also describes evidences of maturity in these areas.

Context and Environment are pivotal to eHealth transformation. Depending on the implementation context, the model elements may not mature at uniform rates, and they may exist at different levels throughout the process of transformation. These levels are categorized along a continuum ranging from Level 0 to Level 2 as follows:

  • Level 0 (Beginning): individuals or organizations have little experience, knowledge, or operational commitment to eHealth.
  • Level 1 (Intermediate): individuals or organizations have begun their transformation toward using eHealth to enhance health service delivery and organizational effectiveness.
  • Level 2 (Advanced): individuals or organizations are fully committed to the use of eHealth as a competitive and foundational driver for their ongoing care delivery.
Healthy Work Environment
Adopting eHealth Solutions: Implementing Strategies
Point of Care Resources