To respond appropriately:
- Believe the woman;
- Name the abuse (identify what she is experiencing is abuse);
- Assess immediate health needs; if a recent sexual assault has occurred, refer for sexual assault care;
- Assess immediate safety and complete a safety check;
- Explore her immediate concerns/needs and determine a plan of action;
- With the woman’s consent, refer to appropriate resources, including multi-disciplinary health team, community specialists, counsellors, support groups, shelters, and justice/advocacy services; and
- Have a contact list of violence against women services available
When responding to a disclosure of woman abuse/intimate partner violence, keep the following tips in mind:
- Always interview in private
- Believe the client
- Assess for safety (never assume that a past history of abuse precludes a present history as well)
- Offer support
- Ask permission to refer to another resource person
Women and Children
Woman Abuse: Screening, Identification and Initial Response
Point of Care Resources