Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Practice Recommendations

Recommendation Level of Evidences
1 Create a safe, shame- and blame-free environment to assess client learning. Ib
2 Use a universal precautions approach for health literacy to create a safe, shame- and blame-free environment. Ib
3 Assess the learning needs of the client Ia
4 Tailor your approach and educational design by collaborating with the client and the interprofessional team. Ia
5 Engage in more structured and intentional approaches when facilitating client centred learning. Ia
6 Use plain language, pictures and illustrations to promote health literacy Ia

Use a combination of educational strategies for effective learning:

1. Printed Materials

2. Telephone

3. Audiotapes

4. Video

5. Computer-based technology and multimedia presentations

8 Assess client learning. IIa

Communicate client centred learning effectively with:

a. The client; and

b. The interprofessional team



Facilitating Client Centred Learning
Practice Recommendations